Thursday, March 31, 2011

Things That Scare Me

We live in a society where a lot of people--in particular young people--think it's cool to act hard.  Too many people want to act like thugs for no reason, and in reality the majority of them are softer than mashed potatoes.  I'm not a fan of this trend, and I think people should just be themselves.  Now don't get me wrong, I listen to a lot of hip hop just like any other 30 year old white dude from The Burbs.  But I've never felt the need to act like a thug.  So in protest of a society that thinks it's cool to act tough, I am going to blog about three of the things in life that scare me.....

1) Animals That Can Eat Me

I fear any creature on this planet that could end my life just because it wanted some dinner.  Sharks, alligators, & crocodiles are proably at the top of my list; and I would have to say that I am most afraid of bull sharks simply because they can survive in fresh water and have been spotted as far north as Michigan.  It's not that I am so scared of sharks that I won't go into the ocean, but I can't help but think "I hope Jaws isn't lurking around here" every so often whenever I'm chilling in The Atlantic.  Now I know that one is more likely to get struck by lightning than to be attacked by a shark. However, I actually have an Uncle who was struck by lightning.  Thankfully, he somehow survived.

2) Serial Killers

I also fear anyone who enjoys killing people.  This fear is largely originated from the television series Criminal Minds.  Criminal Minds has fallen off lately, but the first few seasons have some episodes that are pretty terrifying.  The scariest aspect of Criminal Minds is that the murder scenes are very vivid and realistic.  The writers do a good job of putting the viewer in the mind set of a helpless murder victim.  This show is responsible for severly altering my awareness levels whenever I walk around a dark corner or into an unlit room.

3) Parallel Parking

Last but not least, I am scared of parallel parking.  I know that I am losing Major Man Points for this, but hey it's the truth.  If I were to make a list of things that I suck at in life, parallel parking would be close to the top.  Given that I have lived in the metropolis of Weirton, West Virginia the majority of my life, parallel parking was never really a skill that I had to master.  In fact I could probably count the number of times that I have parallel parked on my fingers.  Regardless, I am honestly intmidated by the thought of parallel parking.   


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