Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fantasy Football

Prior to 2011, I wanted nothing to do with fantasy football.  In fact if I had to pick three words to describe fantasy football before this season I would have choosen: lame, corny, & useless.  I can remember being annoyed countless times listening to dialect similar to this...

"Bro, I've got Tom Brady AND Adrian Peterson on my fantasty team!  There's a 70% chance of rain and an 100% chance of a beatdown on your ass tomorrow!"

"My fantasy squad is unreal.  I've got Fitzgerald, Welker, & Wallace as my receivers.  I have the Steelers defense, and Sebastian Janikowski is my kicker.  Chicks wanna bang me because my fantasy football team is so awesome."  
In conclusion, Pre-2011 I thought fantasy football was a game that was primarlily designed with douchebags in mind.  However, as of late the times they are a changing, and I am now quickly becoming one of those douchebags. 

My younger brother started an ESPN fantasy football league this season, and he asked me to join.  At first I was reluctant, but eventually I agreed.  I'm now paying more attention to football than I have in years. 

It's been an up and down year for my squad the Nut Kicking Ninjas.  We've had some running back issues this season, and I have a bad habit of benching players when they have their best game of the season.  At press time we're 4-6.  The Ninjas aren't playoff bound (our season is only 13 weeks), but if we win out we can still have a winning season.  However, I definitely wanna put together another team next season, and I think my team will do better next year.  Before you know it I will be the one saying....

"Hello.  This is a courtesy call from Comcast.  I just wanted to make sure that your cable is working properly, and that you just witnessed Drew Brees throw 5 touchdown passes to finalize your defeat.  If by any chance there is a coffin nearby you, now would be a good time to stick a nail in it.  Thank you and have a nice day."           

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