Thursday, September 22, 2011

Fun With A Jukebox

As a DJ, you want to cater to your crowd.  The basic idea is to play music that the majority of the crowd is into; and to create a good atmosphere while keeping the dance floor packed.  However, once in a while whenver I'm off duty I like to go against the grain.  Way against the grain. 

I've spent my fair share of time in bars.  Hanging out in bars can be a lot of fun, but on the other hand sometimes it can be extremely boring.  The following is a way to make those boring times more enjoyable for you, however the rest of the bar may not share in your joy.

In order to complete this mission you need two things: a jukebox & a five dollar bill.  Basically what you want to do is pick a song that does not fit the bar environment at all, and play it repeatedly.  For example, if you are in a bar full of college kids hit them with Ian Lex's timeless classic Tarzan Boy 10 times in a row.  If you are in a old timers dive bar with some of your grandpa's closest homies play $5 worth of Shots by LMFAO.  If you're at a sausage fest where the crowd consists of a bunch of dudes watching a football game Hit Me Baby One More Time by Britney Spears will work well.  By now you should get the idea.  You will want to make sure music is already playing before you sabotage the tunes.  Obviously this awesome prank will not work if the bar goes from dead silence to instantly playing an incredibly out of place song on repeat.

After the damage has been done it is important to keep a good pokerface.  Granted this is easier said then done.  Most people will not instantly catch on, but after Cotton Eye Joe has been played a few times someone in the audience will probably begin to scream profanities.  Again, you will want to maintain composure while laughing to yoursely hysterically.

I've pulled this prank off a few times with some of the songs previously mentioned.  I also have a friend whose weapon of choice is Whoomp!  There It Is.  In my opinion, this prank never gets old.  However, anyone who has been in attendence whenever I've pulled this move off probably has different thoughts about it than I do.            

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